We here at The Hunger Bus decided that we would release a CD to raise Funds for The Hunger Bus and share some of Chakulla’s Music with you. He will take you on his life’s musical journey through song and in genres
that range from Folk, Jazz, Americana to World.
Comprised mostly of live recordings. You will experience Chakulla’s passion, expressiveness and dynamic excitement
being music with his guitar, pedal steel, marimba, harmonica, percussion, vocal percussion and his voice! |
Thank you for jumping on the
bus with your support and purchasing the Chakulla “FUEL”
2 discs and 17 songs CD!
I know you will enjoy “FUEL”!
I know we do! Most songs
were recorded live at Hunger
Concert Events!
Looking forward,
and The Hunger Bus

DISC 1 |
Beep Beep Beep
Words and Music: Chakulla. Recorded Live by Ivan
Rambhadjan on “Live from Center Stage” Cape Cod
Community Media Center, Dennis Port, MA. Mixed and
Mastered by Anthony Iannucci at Unity Gain Recording
Studio, Ft. Myers, FL. Chakulla on Vocal, Gibson Acoustic
Guitar, Vocal Percussion and Percussion.
I Shall be Released
Words and Music: Bob Dylan; Arrangement: Chakulla. Recorded Live by Ivan Rambhadjan on “Live from
Center Stage” Cape Cod Community Media Center,
Dennis Port, MA. Mixed and Mastered by Anthony
Iannucci at Unity Gain Recording Studio, Ft. Myers,
FL. Chakulla on Vocal, Gibson Acoustic Rhythm and
Lead Guitar’s, Vocal Percussion, Percussion, Marimba, and Pedal Steel Guitar.
Uhuru / Freedom
Words and Music: Chakulla. Recorded and Mixed by
Chakulla at the Holiday Park Studio, North Port, FL. Mastered by Anthony Iannucci at Unity Gain Recording Studio, Ft. Myers, FL. James West on Percussion; Chakulla
on all Vocals, Gibson Acoustic Guitar, Vocal Percussion,
Marimba, G&L 2000 Electric Bass Guitar and Percussion.
Remember When / You and Me
Words and Music: Chakulla; Recorded and Mixed by Chakulla. Recorded Live in the Happy Place / Punta
Gorda, FL. Mastered by Anthony Iannucci at Unity Gain
Recording Studio, Ft. Myers, FL. ME (Karyn Sylak) on
Vocals, Vocal Percussion and Vocal Trombone. This Song
Recording also appears on the Chakulla and ME, “Live in
the Happy Place” CD.
Is Love Forever
Words and Music: Chakulla. Recorded and Mixed by Chakulla Recorded Live
at T.L.C. Coffee Roasters, West Kingston, RI. Mastered by Anthony Iannucci
at Unity Gain Recording Studio, Ft. Myers, FL. Jeffrey Jazzbass on Electric
Bass Guitar; Chakulla on Vocal, Vocal Percussion, Marimba, Percussion, Gibson
Acoustic Rhythm and Lead Guitar.
Hand in Hand
Words and Music: Chakulla; Recorded and Mixed by Chakulla at the Gold
Coast Studio, Port Charlotte, FL. Mastered by Anthony Iannucci at Unity Gain
Recording Studio, Ft. Myers, FL. Chakulla on all Vocals, Vocal Percussion,
Gibson Acoustic Rhythm Guitar, Fender Electric Lead Guitar, and African Tongue
(Tone) Drum.
I’ve Got You
Words and Music: Chakulla; Recorded by Chakulla. Mixed by Bob Conetta and
Chakulla, Live at the Happy Place / Punta Gorda, FL. Mastered by Anthony
Iannucci at Unity Gain Recording Studio, Ft. Myers, FL. ME (Karyn Sylak) on
Vocals and Percussion; Chakulla on Vocals, Gibson Rhythm, Lead and Bass Guitar, Vocal Percussion and Mouth Trombone. This Song Recording also appears
on the Chakulla and Me “Live in the Happy Place” CD.
Blanket of Snow
Words and Music: Chakulla; Recorded and Mixed by Chakulla at Mim’s Kitchen,
Port Charlotte, FL. Mastered by Anthony Iannucci at Unity Gain Recording
Studio, Ft. Myers, FL. Chakulla on all Vocals, Gibson Acoustic Rhythm Guitar,
Fender Electric Lead Guitar, Vocal Percussion and G&L 2000 Electric Bass Guitar.
No Good For Ya
Words and Music: Chakulla. Recorded Live by Ivan Rambhadjan on “Live
From Center Stage” Cape Cod Community Media Center, Dennis Port, MA.
Mastered by Anthony Iannucci at Unity Gain Recording Studio, Ft. Myers, FL.
Chakulla on Vocal, Gibson Acoustic Guitar, Vocal Percussion, Vocal Trombone,
Pedal Steel Guitar, and Percussion.
Cat Got Your Tongue
Words and Music: Chakulla. Recorded and Mixed by Chakulla at Mim’s Kitchen,
Port Charlotte, FL. Mastered by Anthony Iannucci at Unity Gain Recording Studio,
Ft. Myers, FL; Chakulla on all Vocals, Gibson Acoustic Guitar, Harmony Acoustic
Slide Guitar, Vocal Percussion, Marimba and Guild Acoustic Bass Guitar. |
DISC 2 |
One Grain
Words to Verse: Pete Seeger; Words to Bridge and all Music and
Arrangement: Chakulla, Recorded and Mixed by Audio Architects / Doug
Pluckrose. Recorded live at Mim’s Kitchen, Port Charlotte, FL. Mastered
by Anthony Iannucci at Unity Gain Recording Studio, Ft. Myers,
FL. Chakulla on Vocal, Gibson Guitar, Marimba, Vocal Percussion and
This Land is Your Land
Words and Music: Woody Guthrie Musical Hook and Arrangement:
Chakulla. Recorded Live by Ivan Rambhadjan on “Live From Center
Stage” Cape Cod Community Media Center, Dennis Port, MA. Mixed
and Mastered by Anthony Iannucci at Unity Gain Recording Studio,
Ft. Myers, FL. Chakulla on Vocals, Gibson Acoustic Guitar, Harmonica,
Vocal Percussion and Percussion.
MMM Love
Words and Music: Chakulla. Recorded Live at the Artist Hunger
Network’s Kick off Concert Event “Rock Out Hunger” at Lupo’s
Heartbreak Hotel, Providence, RI. Live tracks recorded from mixing
board direct to tape by Alan Kaplan and mixed by Chakulla. Mastered
by Anthony Iannucci at Unity Gain Recording Studio, Ft. Myers,
FL. Larry Derr on Electric Lead Guitar, Jeffrey Jazzbass on Bass
Guitar, Brenda Bennett on Vocal, Klem Klemek on Saxophone, Mike
Kimmel on Drums, Moussa Traore on Percussion, Issa Coulibaly on
Percussion, Seydou Coulibaly on Percussion, Chakulla on Vocal, Gibson
Acoustic Guitar, Vocal Percussion and Percussion.
Wey Wey Na Ski Ya
Words and Music: Chakulla. Recorded Live and Mixed by Audio
Architects / Doug Pluckrose at Mim’s Kitchen, Port Charlotte, FL.
Mastered by Anthony Iannucci at Unity Gain Recording Studio, Ft.
Myers, FL. Chakulla on Vocal, Gibson Acoustic Guitar, Vocal Percussion
and Vocal Trombone.
Take Time to Breathe
Words and Music: Chakulla. Recorded and Mixed by Chakulla at
Mim’s Kitchen, Port Charlotte FL. Mastered by Anthony Iannucci at
Unity Gain Recording Studio, Ft. Myers, FL. James West on Drums;
Chakulla on all Vocals, Gibson Acoustic Rhythm Guitar, National
Electric Lap Slide, G&L 2000 Electric Bass and Vocal Percussion.
We Shall Overcome
Words by: Unknown Music and Arrangement: Chakulla.
Recorded and Engineered by David VanPraag at Outback
Recording, Gardner, NY. Mike Kimmel on African Tongue
Drum and Percussion; Jeffrey Jazzbass on Guild Acoustic
Bass Guitar, Chakulla on Vocals, Gibson Acoustic Guitar,
Vocal Percussion and percussion. Also, Larry Derr on
Electric Lead Guitar and Brenda Bennett on Vocals,
Recorded and Mixed by Tom Carley at Rock and Roll
Ranch, Warwick, RI. Mastered by Anthony Iannucci at
Unity Gain Recording Studio, Ft. Myers, FL. This Song
Recording also appears on “The Time Is Now” Cd —
The 1 of 52 Artist Network
BONUS TRACK: Dedicated in memory and
with gratitude to Larry Derr and to Pop! Thank you for
Sharing Your Talents! You are both missed!
No Good for Ya (AHN)
Words and Music: Chakulla. Recorded Live at
the Artist Hunger Network Kick off Concert Event “Rock Out Hunger” at Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel, Providence, RI. Live Tracks recorded from mixing
board direct to tape by Alan Kaplan and Mixed
by Chakulla. Mastered by Anthony Iannucci at
Unity Gain Recording Studio, Ft. Myers, FL. Larry
Derr on Electric Lead Guitar, Jeffrey Jazzbass on
Bass Guitar, Brenda Bennett on Vocals, Klem
Klemek on Saxophone, Mike Lydon on Digeri
do, Mike Kimmel on Drums, Moussa Traore
on Percussion, Issa Caulibaly on Percussion,
Seydou Coulibaly on Percussion and Chakulla
on Vocals, Gibson Acoustic Guitar, Vocal Percussion and Percussion. |